Travel to and from Australia, and within Australia, has been severely restricted since March 2020.
For those now arriving in Australia, a 14-day isolation period in a designated hotel is mandatory. Within Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and Queensland are restricting entry to residents. Elsewhere, even local travel is discouraged with the threat of police fines if people are travelling without reason. Travel is still permitted for food, health, care and work reasons.
Airlines, including Qantas, have drastically reduced their flight schedules and Australia’s # 2 domestic airline group, including Virgin and Tiger, may struggle to survive the downturn without government assistance.
With no end in sight to the restrictions on travel, and the prospect of a slow return to unfettered travel, businesses are using new ways to communicate. Video conferencing via MS Teams, Zoom and the like are connecting staff working from home to one another and their customers and suppliers. Businesses that operate in multiple jurisdictions are affected by the travel restrictions.
Many businesses have slowed down or have shut down, putting lots of people out of work, though the last stimulus package (JobKeeper) provides a lifeline for millions of Australians to remain with their employer. Industries like construction continue to operate and some segments are experienced strong growth.
The Weringa Group provides a number of services that might be useful for overseas companies needing additional assistance at this time. Contact us to find out more, or see our website.