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Doing business internationally inevitably requires thought be given to how to structure revenue-generating transactions. Clients need to be aware of any local requirements (sponsors, in Australia, for certain pharmaceutical products, for example) and consider the taxing point for revenue earned or expenses incurred. Beyond simple exporting and importing, establishing a formal presence in the region through acquiring or creating a company is often necessary. This can be done quickly and relatively cheaply.


Clients usually get professional advice at this point from a local lawyer or accountant as they inevitably need formal agreements to export or import products or services, and assistance to set-up or acquire a business. We can help find firm(s) with appropriate industry experience. 


Setting up or buying a company requires a resident director in Australia and NZ. We can help there too, as we can with the need for a registered office address.


After signing a heads of agreement, the M&A process to buy an existing business typically requires concurrent work to undertake due diligence and agree a contract of purchase and sale. The two processes are inter-related and its best to have a project manager oversee both roles. We can assist with contractors experienced in that process. They should also plan the completion and post-completion phases in exacting detail.




Level 10, 20 Martin Place

Sydney  NSW  2000


Suite 14, 328-332 Bong Bong Street

Bowral  NSW  2576


Suite 106, 23 Edwin Street 

Mt Eden  Auckland  1024

New Zealand

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